DeGroote School of Business
Executives Consulting Over a Laptop

Prepare for the Future Now

Navigating the future won’t be easy. But it is still necessary.

The Foresight Lab is here to help you and your organization imagine the possibilities. Learn more.

Executives Consulting Over a Laptop

Shape the Future. Lead the Way.

The future has never been more uncertain. Old industries are being swept aside by imaginative innovators inventing new business models. Millions of traditional jobs are being automated as millions of new occupations are being created for the first time. And all the while, environmental stresses are disrupting our lives, driving the need for strategic foresight to reimagine our relationship with our planet and ourselves.

Why the Foresight Lab

The Foresight Lab at the DeGroote School of Business provides the tools, skills development opportunities, and insights that can make you and your organization more future-ready. We do this by helping you:

Identify global forces and emerging trends that are disrupting businesses, governments and societies.

Become more adaptive and resilient in the face of constant change.

Imagine and position your organization and yourself for multiple future scenarios.

Getting Ready by Getting Involved

From webinars with globally recognized experts to professional development programs and consulting services to our members-driven foresight network, we offer a range of opportunities for you and your organization to shape the future and lead the way.

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Customized Executive Education Programs

The Foresight Lab offers a range of futures thinking and change-readiness-focused programs in partnership with DeGroote Executive Education. Our programs cultivate a futurist mindset — one that embraces change, envisions possibilities, and shapes outcomes.

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Thought Leadership

The world is changing in profound ways. To help you better understand key trends driving this change, the Foresight Lab has assembled a series of leading global thinkers who will provide insights and implications for the future of business, Canada, and the world at large.


At Foresight Lab, we believe that the most profound discoveries happen at the intersection of knowledge. Through our interdisciplinary research activities, we explore the critical long-term issues and forces shaping the future of Canada and the world at large.

Foresight Network

The Foresight Network is an engagement platform designed for corporate and government members who wish to better understand and prepare for the long-term, interdependent and often unpredictable forces of change that will shape the world in the years ahead.

Red Wilson


Canada always seems to be at a crossroads but now a change in perspective is imperative. Deep structural forces are reshaping the world:  the shift in economic and political power towards Asia, the digitalization of the economy, and the need to make our planet a greener place to live combine with aging of the population and shifting political forces.

It’s a lot to handle. But we have no choice. And now more than ever we need a critical mass of inspiring and collaborative leaders who have the creativity and resilience to imagine and navigate through what is bound to be a long period of change and uncertainty. In short, Canada needs to scale its strategic foresight and leadership capabilities to meet the many challenges and opportunities that the future will bring.

This is why I have supported the establishment of the Foresight Lab at the DeGroote School of Business. It offers McMaster students, working executives and policy makers a range of learning and engagement opportunities to help future and current leaders shape the future for the better. Let’s get started.